Monthly Club Feature: ASL Club

By Gianna Ruzzi, Staff Writer (2023)

Image Courtesy of Ashley Manfredi, ASL Teacher

Students drew a variety of masks during the October 19th ASL club meeting; they were instructed to draw a specific mask, but in the end, they were free to draw anything they wanted on their masks. Some of the masks are seen in the picture above.

The ASL club met on Thursday, October 19th, where they learned about Halloween signs and then utilized them to build a mask based on the words they were signing. Among the terms being taught were "Happy Halloween," "Black Cat," and "Frankenstein." The ASL club welcomes any students who are interested in learning ASL, even those who are not taking the class. All students who attend the club find it to be very engaging. The club gets together for a fun-filled thirty minutes once a month. So, if you want to join a new club, give the ASL club a try. It's a wonderful chance to get to know people in your school and learn a new language.

Image Courtesy (#1 and #2): Ashley Manfredi

Here is how to learn Black Cat in ASL!

(How to sign Black Cat!)

(Image courtesy of Baby Sign Language)

To sign Black cat you're going to want to sign Black first and then cat after. To sign black, take your index finger and draw it across your brow once. To sign Cat, use your dominant hand and use the motion of teasing your whiskers out from one of your cheeks. The last step is to combine these two signs to get Black Cat.

Here is how to learn Happy Halloween in ASL!

(Image courtesy of Baby Sign Language)

(How to sign Happy Halloween)

To sign Happy Halloween, you are going to want to cover your face with both of your palms slightly curved and uncover your face right away.