DECA: North’s Business Club 

By Ammar Shaadab, Web & Design Asst. Editor (2023)

Image Courtesy: Abigail Koshy

Pictured: Abigail Koshy, Aanya Sharma, Medha Mahesh (Juniors)

DECA, North’s dynamic business club, is on the rise. There has been an expansion of about 50 new members since last year. Here is a quick look on how the club has expanded and why it’s a fantastic opportunity for students at North

Increase in Membership:

At North, DECA’s membership is booming, drawing students from a plethora of business backgrounds: marketing, entrepreneurship, finance, etc. This surge in interest has created a vibrant community of entrepreneurs at our school; some create papers and create their own companies, whereas others can take a 100 question exam and participate in role-plays. 

Abigail Koshy, the fundraising chair of DECA, has reflected on why the club has expanded. She has noted: “I believe DECA expanded so much because of our trip to Florida, last year. I think people really understood how far DECA can take you, in competition and the real world. It builds life skills you can’t attain in other clubs.” 

Multiple Industries to Pick:

DECA has given North students exposure to various business sectors, from fashion marketing to sports and entertainment marketing. It allows students to explore different industries and gain practical experiences. In my own experience, I have competed in various topics of DECA, whether it be Quick Serve Restaurant Management or the Principles of Marketing. These influx of topics have given me an invaluable insight about the business world, and the different sects that compose it. 

Competitive Edge:

DECA competitions highlight students' performances in the regional, state, and international competitions. Students not only earn recognition, but they also create valuable international connections. 

Abigail Koshy, alongside her partners Medha Mahesh and Aanya Sharma, competed in the international DECA competition, creating their own business venture. While reflecting on her time at the DECA International Career Development Conference (ICDC), she stated: “ICDC definitely helped me network with like-minded students who want to go into business. It was such a fun event and an opportunity to explore different aspects of business. DECA has been an amazing opportunity in general to explore realms of the business world for me as I’ve competed in administration and entrepreneurial events.” 

A Bright Aspect:

DECA isn’t just a club; it is a pathway for success. With an exponential increase in membership and a commitment to excellence, North DECA is shaping the futures of students, through the exposure of business sectors. With the freedom to create businesses, participate in roleplays, or write papers, DECA at North has given invaluable experiences to its members. Get the edge