My Second Grade Superstars!

Welcome to my blog!

Being that I am not the most savvy with technology, it can take me quite a bit of time to create a connected classroom! I am definitely learning a lot! Being “the student” gives me a different perspective and it’s great! My second grade classroom connected with Gina Connington’s third grade classroom. We all loved connecting. My second graders were so excited to share their knowledge of rural, suburban and urban communities around the world. The second graders loved teaching the older children what these different communities look like and their similarities and differences. The kids got to demonstrate how communities need workers and how the different communities depend on each other to run smoothly and efficiently. The second grade and third grade students were such awesome inquirers! They were all so engaged and seemed so excited, that they were so respectful and cooperative with each other. Gina and I have a goal… we would like to try and post pictures on Padlet of our students interacting, demonstrating, working respectfully and cooperatively and teaching their very own peers! What a fun, exciting and educational way to be connected!

The Learner Profile and Digital Citizenship:

We have been discussing and learning about digital citizenship and the learner profile traits. My second graders are very familiar with the learner profile traits, as we exhibit them each day and make reference to them. It is vital to incorporate and exhibit the learner profile traits while using technology to enhance our learning and global perspectives. After reading an article, inquirers and thinkers actively ask questions, contribute knowledge that is relevant and valuable. Communicators need to stay globally connected and it is important to communicate with people we know. It is vital for all students and adults to be principled and demonstrate ethical choices and behaviors. As an educator, I instill these traits into my students each and every day!

Final Reflections:

I used to think that being digitally and globally connected was difficult, but it really is a part of our every day life. Being that there are so many platforms out there, it is important to be careful and teach your student to as well. As long as you are connecting with the right people and giving and gaining valuable information, it really is worth while for everyone involved!

My overall experience with the online workshop was very positive. At first, I was a bit hesitant to connect globally with other learners and educators. When doing so, it was quite fun, interesting and I gained more knowledgeable to bring back to my classroom. There were some "hoops" to jump through, but overall, it was a very positive experience!

Welcome to my second grade blog! This is my first time using a bIog and I am looking forward to it! I am excited to be connected with global learners around the world and bring more knowledge back to my classroom.

Photo Credit: <a href="">Leo Reynolds</a> Flickr via <a href="">Compfight</a> <a href="">cc</a>

Being a connected learner is so important in today's world. Educators can learn so much from each other. Having all of this technology can be so helpful and engaging. It also comes with challenges. Utilizing all of the platforms out there takes a lot of practice and time to become comfortable with. I do think that this is all worth the effort!

How the Learner Profile connects with Digital Citizenship