6th Grade

Tech 6: A ten week introduction to Technology Education. During this course students are exposed to a variety of hands-on problem solving activities. Activities may include design, construction and testing of model bridges; invention research project; and completing coding challenges using the S3 Scribbler Robot. Topics taught in the class include History of Technology, Safety, Measurement, 7 Resources of Technology, Problem Solving, Simple Machines, Robotics, Bridges, Separating Tools & Fastening, and Processing Materials.

Bridge Building Activity- The bridge activity turns the students into engineers as they use West Point Bridge Designer to design a bridge to build with limited materials to hold as much stress as possible.

Robotics Activity and Coding- Coding the S3 robots gives the students the hands on opportunity to complete specific tasks. Students learn about sensors to complete demos. The students will program the robot to successfully navigate the maze. Students will also be utilizing the CoderZ software to successfully complete various levels of CoderZ Adventures.

Research Activity- Students will research an invention and gather/organize information related to the invention using the library as a resource. Research will then be organized into a poster, Google presentation or report.

Bridge Design and Construction and Testing

Scribbler Robotics