Classroom Rules and Consequences 

Middle School Disciplinary Procedure

Disciplinary infractions are divided into two categories: Minors and Majors.

Minors are infractions that will result in warnings being issued unless there is a repetitive problem with these issues.  Majors are infractions that are severe enough to warrant an immediate office referral.  Examples of Minors and Majors are listed below:


Lack of materials Fighting

Failure to complete work Damage to school property

Failure to return signed paperwork Cheating

Misbehavior in the cafeteria Vulgarity

Misbehavior in the busroom

Misbehavior in the restroom

Disturbing class


Tardy to class during class changes


Students will be issued a “Parent Communication Log” detailing their first minor infraction resulting in a verbal warning.  Students will be issued a second “Parent Communication Log” detailing their second minor infraction resulting in the final verbal warning.  Both of these forms need to be signed by the parent/guardian and returned.  On the third minor infraction, students will be issued a “Discipline Report” detailing their third minor infraction and a detention will be issued due to the recurring disciplinary problems.  Parents will be contacted by the teachers in order to communicate the situation and the “Discipline Report” will need to be signed and returned.

Any additional minor infractions above the initial three will result in an office referral and the next steps will be determined by the administration.

Any student with three or more minors will also be exempt from the Positive School-wide Behavior Incentive for the 9-week period.

Minor totals will reset at the end of each 9-week period.

Any major infraction that occurs will automatically result in an office referral and the next steps will be determined by the administration.


If students do not have a completed assignment to turn in on the due date/time they will be issued a minor.  In addition, the student’s grade for that assignment will be reduced by 10 points per day if the assignment is late, for up to three days (30 total points being taken off).  After the third day, if the student does not have the completed assignment to turn in, the grade will result in a zero.

Zero Tolerance Policy

Please refer to the student handbook for information regarding infractions that fall under the Zero Tolerance Policy per the CCBOE guidelines.