Freshman Homeroom Class of 2026

Ist Blk- Algebra I (A107)

2nd Blk - US History (H107) / Planning period (A103)

3rd (Skinny Blk) - (RTI)Reading/Math Intervention A103

4th Blk - Biology (C104)

5th Blk Geometry (G105)

Instructor: Laura Brady

Contact Information:


Course Titles:

Algebra I (Inclusion)

US History (Inclusion)


Biology (Inclusion)

Geometry B (Inclusion)

Materials Requirement:

1 ½ - 2 inch binder w/ 3 rings and 2 inside pockets

notebook paper

pencils and erasers

Course Description -

*Please refer to the general education class websites

RTI - Students receive reading and math interventions according to individual needs of each student. Self-based instruction using reading and math intervention programs designed to meet each students level of remedial instruction to increase reading vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Likewise for math skills instruction. Students use a self based learning program that pre-assessed each students ability, and provides instruction, guided and independent practice to increase fluency and comprehension with math tasks. Both programs are teacher guided, and one-to- one interventions occur when students struggle with a concept, rule, or formula to assist with the goal of mastery.

Course Objectives (Standards)

Goals and objectives are individualized for each student that has and IEP, and are monitored and updated every 5 weeks.

Focus objectives may include adaptive behavior, pre-vocational, transitional, social/emotional, language, and functional academic skills are embedded in every goal.

Grading and Evaluation Procedures:

Classroom accommodation and modifications are pulled from each student’s IEP, and are therefore individualized.

Individual modifications and accommodations cover testing/grading, instruction, assignments, and behavior management.

Student expectations with regards to class work and make-up work:

Students are expected to do their best and be in school every day.

Exceptions are made regarding the skill level, amount of work, pertinent medical issues and level of support that is needed for each student to be successful.

There are no textbooks for coursework in RTI

**Units of instruction are designed and modified according to ability, goals, and objectives, and graduation requirements.