
This small tutorial will only teach you the basics of HTML coding. If you want to go more in-depth, use the links I provided in the Resources page.

Step One

At the top of your code, you must type in the following string of code:

<!DOCTYPE html>

This string of code will help the web browser detect that it should run HTML5 instead of Javascript or Python.

Step Two

Type in


<title>Anything you want to type</title>


On the tab of whatever browser you are using, what you typed in between <title> and </title> should be there.

Step Three

There are multiple headings in HTML. Type in <h1>Your Name</h1> into your runner and you see that you make a big header with your name. The h1 part of the <h1> opening tag can be replaced with any code that is found in HTML5. Same with the closing </h1> tag. Headings go from h1 to h6.

Step Four

Type in



Step Five

In between the <body> and </body>, type in <p>Anything you want to</p>. Like the heading, it has the same properties.

Congratulations! You have just made an extremely basic webpage! Go more into depth on the links on the Resources page! You can also watch the video listed below for more help!