Unit 4 - Colonial America

Websites used in this Unit

Google Classroom (Links on the Home page)

Kami (Google add-on)

EdPuzzle (Log in with Google)

Common Lit (Log in with Google)

ReadWorks Log in with Google)

A little bit about Unit 4 - Colonial America:

  • SOL and Standards included here -
          • USI.5 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the factors that shaped colonial America by
            • a) describing the religious and economic events and conditions that led to the colonization of America;
            • b) describing life in the New England, Mid-Atlantic, and Southern colonies, with emphasis on how people interacted with their environment to produce goods and services, including examples of specialization and interdependence;
            • c) describing colonial life in America from the perspectives of large landowners, farmers, artisans, women, free African Americans, indentured servants, and enslaved African Americans;
  • We use ArcGIS to create maps using information learned throughout the unit.
  • A list of classroom resources is accessible below: