Scholarships & Awards

Outstanding 8th Grade Service Award

The CMS NJHS Outstanding 8th Grade Service Award is given to the 8th Grade student who has earned the most volunteer hours in the school year. This award was started in 2022 and comes with a scholarship of $250.

Previous Awardees

2022: Kayden Lawston (38 Hours)

Ruth Lee Davies Award

The Ruth Lee Davies NJHS Scholarship is awarded to an 8th Grade Student who exemplifies the 5 Pillars of NJHS. The Recipient must write an essay explaining how NJHS and the 5 Pillars have shaped their time at CMS. The award comes with a $500 Scholarship

Previous Awardees:

2022: Madison Stephens

2021: Campbell Lee

2020: Theresa Breckley

2019: Logan Edwards

National NJHS Outstanding

Achievement Award

The NJHS Outstanding Achievement Award is a National Award presented to 500 NJHS Students from across the nation. To be eligible for this award, NJHS students must complete the Application on the NJHS website. The award comes with a $500 scholarship entered into a 529 College Savings Account.

Previous Awardees:

2022: Miranda Perzleski