Panther Story Time with...

Panther Story Time With. . . (Episode 1).mp4

Episode 1: Mrs. Johnson

Mrs. Johnson reads A Truck Full of Ducks.

Written and Illustrated by Ross Burach

Panther Story Time With... Ep. 2.mp4

Episode 2: Mrs. Wade

Mrs. Wade reads The Three Little Superpigs.

Written and Illustrated by Claire Evans

Panther Story Time With ... Ep. 3.mp4

Episode 3: Mrs. Beatty

Mrs. Beatty reads Stellaluna.

Written and Illustrated by Janell Cannon

Panther Storytime with. . . Ms. Wilberger.mp4

Episode 4: Ms. Wilberger

Ms. Wilberger reads If You Give a Pig a Pancake.

Written by Laura Numeroff

Illustrated by Felicia Bond