Study Tools

Study Tips

Many students struggle with how to study. This page provides tips and sites that can be accessed to help aide the study process. Being an active studier will help students improve their study habits.

You learn best when you are forced to actively engage with the material. Active learning strategies include:

  • testing yourself with flashcards

  • answering practice problems

  • identifying patterns and cause/effect relationships

  • creating connections between topics

  • explaining concepts to others

  • formulating questions that push your learning further

  • revising notes (Note that this is different from rewriting, which is a passive learning technique. Turning your lecture notes into different forms, such as mind maps, sketchnotes, and summaries is an effective learning method. Copying your textbook onto lined paper and going over it with gel pens + Mildliners is not.)

  • discussing, debating, and challenging

“Active vs Passive Learning.” NOTEOLOGY, 12 July 2016,

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