Specialty Schools

Is a specialty school right for you?

  • Compare the offerings at a specialty school to what is available at a community college. The cost difference between the two types of school can be significant.

  • Credits earned at a specialty school may not transfer to another two-year or four-year college, if you decide to transfer.

  • Be cautious about signing any contract to attend specialty school. They may require you to keep paying even if you stop attending classes there. This is not the case at a community college, where you only pay for one semester at a time.

  • Visit the campus and ask lots of questions, especially about job placement arrangements.

  • Ask professionals in your field of interest or the place where you want to work whether they have a good opinion of graduates from the specialty school you are researching.

  • Check Virginia View to see specialty school options.

  • Explore the other pages on this section to find specialty schools, community colleges, and four-year colleges that offer programs in your field of study.

  • Be sure to explore opportunities available via JobCorps, including free training and career counseling.