
Here are some great (and fun!) websites you can use to practice Spanish and play games at home!

  • Dunk a Pingu
    • Dunk a Pingu is a class favorite! Many of our thematic units are covered here! Students LOVE to play this one in class on our Promethean Board! It works just like hangman.
  • Duolingo
    • This is a free language learning website that has lessons and games.
  • Digital Dialects - Spanish
    • Digital Dialects offers a great collection of games you can play to practice many different groups of vocabulary words.
  • ABCYa
    • You will have to search around some, but there are some Spanish games to be had, like Spanish Word Bingo and Spanish Word Toss. Within each game, there are multiple vocabulary categories from which you can choose!
  • Spanish Playground
    • This website has plenty of activities, songs, games, and more! Many of the topics covered align with our thematic units in class.

I also wanted to share a couple links that have extremely helpful information about learning another language.