Sukiyaki Recipe


This is a great meal, first cooked on a hike by Al Walters, many years ago. It is delicious and very easy to make. I strongly suggest that you try it at home before the hike.



Rice: Make sure and cook it in a pan that has a tight lid. For every half cup of rice, use 1 cup of water. Put water in your pan and after covering, bring to a boil. Add the rice and cover tightly. When all water is absorbed by the rice, remove from the fire and let sit for 10 minutes ‐ tightly covered. The meal is ready.

Hints: Trim and slice meat at home. Trim and slice onions, green peppers, mushrooms and celery at home also. If you do this, do it on Friday night and place in separate airtight packages. Keep in the refrigerator until you leave for the hike. You can do the same thing with your sauce.