Union Resolutions

Take this union resolution template to your union for discussion and approval in order to support the strike at Mesa Verde and Golden State Annex detention centers in California! Please send us the final adopted resolution to detainedstrikers@gmail.com


(Union Local)

Statement in Support of Detained Migrant Workers Striking at Mesa Verde and Golden State Annex

Immigrant workers held in for-profit detention facilities owned by GEO Group at Mesa Verde (Bakersfield, CA) and Golden State Annex (McFarland, CA) have been on strike since April 26 and June 6, 2022, respectively. These migrant workers have been unjustly detained and forced to work for $1 per day. As one striking worker said, “We don’t understand the hypocrisy: outside of detention we’re not allowed to work because of our immigration status, and here we’re told we can work but they only pay us $1 a day. We feel they’re taking advantage of us and our situation.” The Mesa Verde and Golden State Annex immigrant workers are striking over the unjust pay and unsanitary conditions of the facility. Strikers are being retaliated against by the detention center’s operators for speaking out against the conditions at the facility. Two strike leaders have been placed in solitary confinement as punishment for their role in the strike. We propose the following resolution:

Whereas, a safe work environment, clean housing, and access to healthcare are fundamental rights for workers regardless of national origin, citizenship status, religion, race, gender, or sexual orientation.

Whereas, Mesa Verde and Golden State Annex strikers are demanding

  1. Dignified treatment for all detainees

  2. Wage increase for detained migrant workers to $15 per hour

  3. Change of bed linen, towels, clothing and footwear appropriate to the climate and activity and in good condition.

  4. Good quality personal hygiene items

  5. Quality food, in adequate portions and with fresh and clean fruits; hot water at all meals.

  6. Drinking water throughout the center

  7. In-person visitation rights and free virtual tours

  8. Hiring of a residential and dedicated physician for the center, referral service to specialists; sunblock in the summer.

Whereas, the immigrant workers detained at Mesa Verde and Golden State Annex current worksite is also the detention center

Be it resolved, (Local) stands with Mesa Verde and Golden State Annex workers in their demands and their right to strike. We call for all of the demands to be met and an end to the repression of strike leaders.

Be it further resolved, we support the immediate release of individuals detained at Mesa Verde and Golden State Annex who have been held in conditions which violate their basic human rights. In an effort to help the strikers win their rights we encourage donations to the strike fund.

Resolutions received thus far: