A Collective Journal

3/8/2023 DAY Twenty of hunger strike

“I am the mother of one of the boys who are in the immigration detention centers. And my son is one of the people who is on a hunger strike, fighting for his release. Since February 17, when they began their hunger strike, I have been in support of them by also fasting at home. Until today, March 8, I still support them by doing that strike. I don't know how long I can hold out, because I hope that very soon they will be released. I want to tell my son and all of them to keep going and don't get discouraged. That very soon they will be free because there is a very great God who is listening to the supplication and prayers of so many people. Because they don't have a voice there, they can't say anything because they are threatened if they say anything. Put in isolation. They can't talk to one, about the things that are going on. It is very sad, very unpleasant to go and look at them, and know everything that is done to them there in those centers. That they don't have doctors, that they treat them badly, that they give them spoiled food, that everything is very expensive. That they fill out an application and are denied. They don't even look at them and the next day they have been denied. They don't have a chance. They give no hope when locked up there. They have no opportunities at all. Whenever I go to see my son,  I talk to him a lot about God. I talk to him a lot about God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. And I tell him to have a lot of faith in God. That Jesus Christ our Lord is there with him. And the holy spirit is helping him, covering with his blessed wings. Because the holy spirit lifts up, strengthens, and sets free. I ask all the public to support us. Support us. Support them who are suffering so much. The liberation of all - that is what I ask for. The closure of those centers that have so many people suffering there. For a mother, it is a great suffering to see a child there. When that happens, the family is no longer the same. Seeing a loved one there suffering, the family also suffers so much with them. Seeing them suffer, the family also wears itself out. I have contacted Senator Alex Padilla. I made many calls to your office, but never received any response. They never answered any of my calls."

-Mother of Hunger Striker (Anonymous per request)

2/24/2023 Day Eight of Hunger Strike

“I am participating in the hunger strike and lawsuit to stand up for our rights and call attention to what goes on in these facilities. I am putting my life on the line to bring to light all the mistreatment, abuse, and retaliation we are forced to deal with while detained in ICE detention centers.” - Milton (MV-GSA Hunger Striker)

“We are hunger striking because we see the pain that everyone in here is going through. When I look at everyone and how much they believe in the fact that putting themselves through this can make a change, it gives me hope. We are all humans. There are people here who are fathers, brothers, husbands. They deserve a real chance to fight their case and to have a chance at liberty as well. That’s why we started the strike and this lawsuit.” - Guillermo (MV-GSA Hunger Striker)

2/23/2023 Day Seven of Hunger Strike

“Upon initiation of this hunger strike, I’ve been dealing with daze…headaches. Dealing with starvation. At this point, 7 days into this hunger strike, without eating… it’s really weighing down on me. I’m not really eating anything besides drinking water which has caused me to feel lightheaded. I am low on energy. My strength is very very low. As I had already predicted, going through this…well it’s really really different. I understand that this is my sacrifice and I feel strong about it and Gracias a Dios que he’s helped me pull through this. I’m thankful to him for giving me the spirit and having parents that have shared their strengths upon me to overcome any of these struggles. But I will not stop until we get results, which is getting our freedom. I will continue and keep pushing forward. I will try to be an example for those who are within this hunger strike. I have to be that role model that “we can do this” despite me feeling this way or at times slurring when I speak. I will continue going forward.” 

- Hunger Striker at Mesa Verde Detention Facility

2-20-2023 Words of Strength.m4a

2/20/2023 DAY four of hunger strike

"These words that I am going to speak are words of fortitude to give strength to my comrades who are currently on strike. Today is February 20, 2023. This is the day of the hunger strike - the fourth day. Friends, you have to fight for what you want because without effort there is no freedom. [Audio cuts out] God said this, that he would be with them, but they have to fight. Because faith and hope is in Jehovah, God. He says that he gives strength to the fallen when they no longer have it. And Jehovah-God says that they will be like eagles - they will fly and fly and not get tired. Such will be those who have placed their hope and their love in Jehovah-God. Brothers, we have to stand firm with your head held high. With the strength of God and not of man. We must be united with the same ideas, with the same purposes, that we all desire. There is no triumph if there is no struggle. There is no success if there is no effort. We know that at this moment we are going through many crises: hunger, disease, and away from those we love and from those who love us. But the strength of Jehovah is with us. Who against us? Nobody, nobody. Because the fight belongs to Jehovah. Brothers, friends, you have to be alert. Because the enemy walks around - looking at the weak and the strong. And when he finds the weakest, he will devour him. As my Mexican compatriot El Caudillo Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla once said, Long live freedom and death to slavery so that the world may be free."

- Hunger Striker at Mesa Verde Detention Facility (translated)

"As a community made up of immigrants, let's begin to ask ourselves: Who in reality benefits from immigration detention? Who benefits financially from our detention, besides GEO Group, their investors, and their stockholders? There are people out there lining their pockets with tax payers' money from our incarceration. Wouldn't you want to know who?"

- Sergio, a Hunger Striker at Golden Strike Annex

2/19/2023 Day Three of hunger strike

"Feasting on my words

They fill me in the moment

Before hunger strikes"

- Haiku Poem from Hunger Striker at Golden Strike Annex

2/18/2023 day two of Hunger Strike


Today is the second day of the hunger strike and I feel nervous and a little sad. In reality, I only ask God to give me the strength to continue fighting for my rights and for my freedom and my family. I know that it is not easy to endure hunger and only drink water. The body weakens and you feel that every moment you get weaker and when that happens your body just wants to be resting because the energy is already running out. Right now I feel very hungry but just thinking about all the mistreatment and abuse I have suffered under ICE and GEO and the Mesa Verde facility, just thinking about all the abuse at the hands of these people makes me sad. I suffer emotional and mental damage. Therefore, I try to be strong and fight for my freedom and my rights. And I think of all that my family is suffering due to my absence and seeing the suffering and mental and emotional damage that I suffer also harms my family


Right now I feel weak, with pain in my body and very hungry. I know that this is harder, because I suffer more. And so that makes me sad. And knowing that GEO and ICE don't care about the abuses we suffer at their hands. ICE knows our suffering and the mental and emotional damage they cause us, they just ignore us and treat us inhumanely. And they take away benefits such as recreation and visits. And they punish us for expressing our rights and raising our voice. And we only ask for a chance to be free and be able to be close to our loved ones.

- Hunger Striker at Mesa Verde Detention Facility (translated)

2-17-2023 Song.m4a

2/17/2023 a song from a striker

"Aquí estoy con mis amigos,

Olvidado y oprimido,

Que me tiene imigracion.

Alejado de mi casa,

Alejado de la raza, 

de la familia y lo de más.

Estas leyes son injustas,

que detienen a la gente,

por quererlos torturar.

Y pasamos noches tristes,

pesadillas que pasamos,

por querer la libertad.

Solo hay un dios el que sabe nuestras penas,

sabe y entiende, 

y conoce al corazon.

El mirara los problemas que haz pasado,

mira y no caigas,

en las garras de maldad.

Cuando miro a mis amigos, 

caminar por los pasillos,

por que piensan en su hogar.

Alejado de los quien aman,

con la fe y la esperanza,

de tener su libertad.

Pero ICE que no nos dejan,

nos acusan de un delito,

que no pueden comprobar.

Son malvados con la gente,

nos acusan de mojados, 

y no dejan trabajar.

Solo hay un Dios el que sabe nuestras penas, 

sabe y entiende,

y conoce al corazon.

El mirara los problemas que has pasado,

Mira y no caigas, 

en las garras de maldad (x2)"       

                - Song written and performed by Raymundo - a Hunger Striker at Mesa Verde

2/17/2023 day one of hunger strike

"The Lord is my Bread:

Today is Friday, February 17 - day one of our hunger strike, which is a peaceful protest deemed necessary by all of us. First and foremost, this is a spiritual fasting in honor of my heavenly father Jesus Christ who fasted for 40 days and 40 nights. I’m also doing this to shed light on the unjust situation that we are living in detention here in the hands of ICE. I’m no longer going to take any abuse by the system of oppression and mass incarceration. My friend, the devil is real and his number one goal is to oppress us and keep our family separate forever. Let’s pray to the lord to provide us with the strength to keep moving forward in our  quest for freedom and happiness. Thus, we must remain focused and together we will move mountains. Your brother, in Christ. 

Matthew 4:4: Jesus answered, it is written Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. "

- Hunger Striker at Golden Strike Annex

2/16/2023 Journal Entries

"God be with us as we begin this hunger strike. Give us the strength to withstand the unknown, evil, oppressive tactics of GEO and ICE while we're going through this form of starvation. Mentally and emotionally, I am nervous and afraid that my thought process will be different while hungry. My body will feel weak, but my heart, mind, and soul will have to carry me on. I fear for my peers who are taking on these drastic measures, for many are elderly with serious health conditions. It's unfortunate that we have to come to this. But enough is enough. We can no longer deal with the mistreatment as well as the misuse and abuse of authority from ICE and GEO that have caused us so much pain and suffering. Family is everything and the fear of going back to our country of origin urges us to keep fighting even if it means putting our lives on the line to finally get the freedom that every human being deserves."

- Hunger Striker at Mesa Verde Detention Facility

"It's 4:30 pm. In just a few hours, I will awake starting a hunger strike. How sadly is that I have to do this just so that my voice can get heard. It's been 17 months since I've been detained by ICE in a GEO facility. I can't believe today is the day where I can tell the people out there how stressful these 17 months have been. Cruel and unusual punishment from GEO. The prolonged detention in which ICE have have kept me and others here. Of course we mean more money for their pockets, but what about our families to us? Everybody seems quiet today. I don't know what's going through their heads. I try to stay focused and think of [/imagine] tomorrow as a beautiful day in the park with my loved ones. I guess I will find out what is going to happen...tomorrow."

- Hunger Striker at Golden Strike Annex

Song for Collective Liberation - VIDEO.mp4