"We can't take the abuse any longer."
People detained at MV and GSA have been fighting for improved living conditions for YEARS. After multiple attempts to meet with ICE and GEO, being ignored and worse, retaliated, they have launched a joint hunger strike demanding the immediate release of all individuals detained at the facilities and the shutdown of both detention centers.
COMMUNITY EVENTS (click on arrow to show)
March 7, 2023- URGENT ACTION outside of Mesa Verde ICE Processing Center (425 Golden State Ave.) at 2pm to demand ICE stop transfers.
March 5, 2023- Free Them All San Diego Press Conference and Solidarity Event at Western Regional Detention Facility (220W C St. San Diego) at 1:00 pm.
March 5, 2023- Solidarity event in Bakersfield, outside of Mesa Verde ICE Processing Center (425 Golden State Ave.) at 12pm
March 3, 2023- Press Conference outside of Zoe Lofgren's office in San Jose, led by Papeles Para Todos and Amigos de Guadalupe.
March 3, 2023 - Phone bank to call Senator Padilla from 11-1pm. Zoom Meeting ID: 85227422096. Passcode: 027288.
February 26, 2023 - In person action outside of Golden State Annex at 2pm.
February 24, 2023 - Phone bank to call ICE Officials from 11-1 pm.
February 22, 2023 - Simultaneous press Conferences in San Francisco and McFarland, California.
February 17, 2023 - Instagram Live "Cafecito" to learn about the hunger strike. Watch it here!
The MV-GSA Hunger Strike Support Committee is putting out this statement to address that our postings of the current hunger strikes follow an internal process in which we must get consent from strikers and their family members to ensure they feel comfortable and safe sharing with the public any information pertaining to their identity, procedural matters, and/or circumstances. As a collective, we truly appreciate and welcome the support of all individuals and groups who are helping raise awareness as well as visibility about the hunger strikes happening in the two ICE detention centers in Kern County.
LIVE UPDATES ON THE HUNGER STRIKE (click on arrow to show)
March 9, 2023- The four strikers were taken to El Paso Texas. This afternoon they had their first meal after 21 days due to the fear of being force fed. Others in their dorm at Mesa Verde have also stopped their hunger strike to heal from the traumatic events of Tuesday March 7. 17 individuals remain on hunger strike at Golden State Annex.
March 7, 2023- Four strikers detained at the Mesa Verde were removed violently from their dorm by officers with “San Francisco Special Response” badges, a tactical unit within Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and are being held incommunicado. Around 6AM the special response unit abruptly entered the facility and brutally threw at least three of the strikers to the floor and proceeded to handcuff them. The current whereabouts and status of four strikers is still unknown.
March 3, 2023- OVER 113 HEALTH PROFESSIONALS AND ORGANIZATIONS signed onto a letter urging the California Department of Public Health to protect the health and safety of the hunger strikers at MV and GSA: Read the letter here.
March 1, 2023- OVER 111 ORGANIZATIONS signed onto a letter demanding that ICE release hunger strikers at MV and GSA and start following their own guidelines when reviewing release requests. Read the letter here.
February 24, 2023 - Day 7: 55 individuals remain on hunger strike
February 23, 2023 - Hunger Strikers File Class Action Lawsuit Against ICE, GEO Group for Illegal Retaliation
February 17, 2023 - 8 additional individuals detained at MV and GSA joined the hunger strike for a new total of 84 strikers.
February 17, 2023 - 77 Individuals detained at Mesa Verde ICE Processing Center and Golden State Annex have launched a hunger strike to protest unpaid labor and inhumane conditions. Strikers demand immediate release and the closure of both immigration facilities.