Food Tech

Below: Sixth form final cook of the year. Festive free cook!

Below: Year 10 students have been getting festive, cooking gingerbread people!

Focusing on their independence, portioning and shaping they created this festive treat in to start the celebrations.

Year 9 students have been practicing their knife skills this week!

Pictures for yr 11 Hospitality and Catering, practical food trails.

Students investigate and cook to a brief. Researching recipes and nutrients they perfect, adapt and present their choices through a number of practical trails.

Yr 7 students have been learning about the benefits of fruits and vegetables.

Focusing on the 5-A-day initiative through class discussions, information poster creating and playing bingo to become familiar with more exotic fruits and vegetables including spellings.

Year 7 students learn the safe knife techniques (bridge and claw hold) practicing working safely in the kitchen based on rules they have learnt.