Ongoing Fundraisers

Ways to support Clyde Campbell Elementary PTO from home:

Same as shopping regular, but by selecting Clyde Campbell Elementary PTO as your charity and shopping we earn 0.5% of your purchases! Your Amazon account and details remain the same, just the web address is different. Log on to now!

Sign up for Publix Partners through your Club Publix account and select Clyde Campbell Elementary School. Then, enter your phone number at checkout each time you make an eligible purchase.

With Cart to Class, Lowes Foods will give up to a quarter million dollars to local schools. To participate, just add Clyde Campbell Elementary School to your Fresh Rewards card, then we will be rewarded based on the amount of Lowes Foods private brand items are purchased.

Click on the above image to see a list of participating products. You may clip and send in Box Tops to your student's classroom anytime.

Send in any bottle lid from Coca-Cola Brand to the school office.