Streamlining LCAP & Compliance

Fresno County Superintendent of Schools' Multi-Tiered Approach to Meaningfully Support LEAs


Fresno County Superintendent of Schools (FCSS) sought to alleviate the burden on their local educational agencies (LEAs) that resulted from the influx of plans, accountability requirements, and deadlines in response to the pandemic and its relief efforts. They rooted their work in improvement science to address a specific problem through smaller, measurable changes to make a meaningful impact. This ultimately led to a theory of action that resulted in a multi-tiered approach to Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and compliance. Providing tiered support allowed FCSS to meet the individual needs of each LEA with consideration to their unique contexts. 

Rooting the Work in Improvement Science

Working through improvement science with the Differentiated Assistance (DA) Team, FCSS completed a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threat (SWOT) analysis to see where support was most needed by incorporating feedback from their LEAs and partners. The LCAP & Compliance team constantly communicated with districts and gathered feedback, as well as sharing the tools and resources that were developed. From the analysis, they had a general understanding of where LEAs were struggling., as well as sharing the tools and resources that were developed. From the analysis, they had a general understanding of where LEAs were struggling.

Framework for Improvement

SWOT Analysis

Unsurprisingly, the growing plans and deadlines post-pandemic were hard to track, not to mention the changing health guidelines. The FCSS LCAP and Compliance team decided to focus on streamlining support by creating a comprehensive collection of resources and leveraging relationships to continue proactively responding to individual LEA needs. 

Getting Accurate and Up-to-Date Information

To alleviate the burden for LEAs in regard to the ever-changing guidelines, plans, and deadlines, FCSS sought to identify every available avenue for receiving timely, up-to-date information. They were guided by the questions: 

By pulling from available resources, which includes their internal experts, FCSS compiled a list that could then be organized and disseminated in a centralized, easy-to-navigate electronic pamphlet for LEAs to access. 

FCSS Level of Support Rubric LCAP.pdf

FCSS' rubric for identifying levels of support

Proactive Communication

Communicating compliance requirements early and often helped LEAs prepare and allowed for FCSS to provide support before it became too late. Additionally, one-on-one partnerships with LEAs gave FCSS insight into the different levels of support that was needed and realized that a one-size-fits-all approach would not be sufficient. FCSS then developed a rubric to help them better identify the levels of support each LEA needed, and continued to collect input in various ways such as ongoing check-ins, surveys, or coaching conversations. This continuous, consistent, and intentional communication with their LEAs deepens trust and collaboration, which has enabled FCSS to be more proactive and effective in meeting LEA needs. Furthermore, FCSS created resources specifically related to conversations around improvement. 

Multi-Tiered Support for LEAs

Considering the different contexts of their LEAs and the varying needs, FCSS decided to identify three tiers of support. Within each tier, FCSS has compiled resources such as templates, training, coaching, or consultations - which can be found in the comprehensive electronic pamphlet and team handbook. This meant more streamlined, efficient support for LEAs as well as an increase in the number of comprehensively compliant LCAPs. The FCSS LCAP & Compliance Team found themselves frequently referencing back to the pamphlet and handbook to answer LEA questions, demonstrating the value in the tool as a one-stop-shop resource. 

Level of Supports Provided.pdf

FCSS' three tiers of support with descriptions of available resources

Next Steps

The FCSS LCAP and Compliance team is proud and excited with how their work has evolved. They hope to continue applying improvement science concepts to finishing updating their team handbook for the new school year. By measuring results, implementing changes, and prioritizing strong communication, FCSS hopes to implement sustainable changes to further improve processes around compliance so that LEAs can maximize the resources available to them. 

Meet the Team

Associate Director of
LCAP & Compliance

Associate Director of
LCAP & Compliance

Executive Director of
Accountability & Grants

Director, LCAP & Compliance