Stroll for Strong Kids

Hey CES Families!

We have again chosen to participate in the Stroll for Strong Kids virtual event at CES this year! This is an event that is run annually through UR Medicine and the Golisano Children’s Hospital to raise awareness and funds for the hospital that does so much for children and adolescents. We are again choosing to engage in the event this year to support one of our own teachers here at CES. Mrs. Ciszak (3rd Grade) had a baby in 2018 that was born premature and went through a long stay in the NICU requiring a lot of support. The Golisano Children’s Hospital did so much to help their family that each year they have a team in the event. We are honored to again join their team and support her son Wesley!

Below are the details of our event and how to donate if desired:

When: DURING P.E. classes Wednesday May 31st-Friday June 2nd

Where: At CES-we will create a "track" outside and students will be walking or running the track during their last P.E. class of the week.

Click this link to donate to our team: