Smartmusic Help

What is Smartmusic ? Click HERE for a 4 minute video explanation.

Why are we using it? 1.) Students learn so much more when they hear and see how they're supposed to sound.

2.) It gives students immediate 'teacher' feedback at home.

3.) It allows our teachers to assess student progress and provide personalized feedback.

1st time Users: Click HERE to learn how to create an account and join a class.

**Make sure you use the class code that was sent to you via email and are using the Chrome browser.

How do I login after I have already registered and joined a class?

1.) Website: (Click on the link or HERE to get into the program)

2.) Click on "New Smartmusic"

3.) Type in Username or email AND Password

How do I find the Essential Element's Book on Smartmusic for my student to practice?

1.) Click on: “My Method Books”

2.) Click on: “Essential Elements 2000...”

3.) Click on the exercise you want.

How do I find and complete assignments?

Click HERE to learn how. (Smartmusic's explanation)

Click HERE for more thorough, detailed instructions. (Another school teacher's explanation. Please note: I also grade based on what I hear in the recording, not based on the score Smartmusic gives.)

Need additional help? Try the parent resources page:

Tech Support Line: (866) 240 4041

**Make sure you are using the Chrome browser