Analyzing POetry


This page contains links to resources to assist you in completing the Analyzing Poetry assignment. Click the links to explore and begin your research.


Curated collection of over 10,000 poems searchable by form, poet, theme, and more.

Glossary of introductory poetic terms and devices, alphabetized.

Extensive list of poetic forms, hyperlinked to descriptions of each type. Supplemental resources included at the bottom of page.

Detailed article with information and critical thinking processes for reading poems for meaning and understanding.

Comprehensive list of poetic terms hyperlinked to in depth descriptions and examples for each.

Curated collection of over 3,000 biographies of poets. Searc by name, state of birth, and etc.

Poem search engine. Filter results by keyword, title, phrase, date published and number of lines.

Searchable electronic archive of volumes of American poetry published prior to 1920.