Math and gafe

All of these activities are from Alice Keeler and Diana Herrington's

Teaching with GAFE "50 G Suite Activities"

Teaching Math with Google Apps - Ideas and Suggestions on how to use GAFE in the math class

  • Create a Directions Document - For students who are absent, late to class, or need directions repeated are able to access directions at any time. You can include images, equations, sample problems, screenshots (can be dragged directly onto the document or pasted in using the "insert" menu). Sample Directions
  • Submitting work using Quart sheets in Slides - Students can hold the paper up to a webcam or use a mobile app to insert an image onto the slide. Quarter sheets are the perfect size to add to Google Slides.
  • 3 Problem Template - Instead of having students do a pre-determined, repeated set of problems, consider having them choose 3 problems. Students do their work in Google slides. This may help students focus their responses.
  • Do a Math problem Wrong Template
  • Meme Template
  • Creating Interactive Instruction - Instead of just reading information, students can interact with information in a Google Doc by answering questions embedded within the document.




How to use Google Forms for Assessment

  • Using Google Form for Assessment (using Flubaroo) - This is an example of how you can use g(math) add on and Flubaroo to create formative assessments.
  • Branching Google Forms Quiz - When using multiple choice questions, a branching style of quiz can be created. Create multiple sections within the Google Form and choose to "Go to section based on answer". This allows for the student to get corrective feedback and a chance to answer another question before going to the next question.
  • Skills Practice Quiz - This is an example of how you can use a Google for for Skills practice.
  • DOK and learning objectives quiz - Example of how to use Google Forms for DOK assessment