English to Speakers of Other Languages
Class overview
ESOL is the name Georgia has given to its program for teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.
ELL means English Language Learner. ELL is the most common acronym used for students whose primary language is not English. LEP is Limited English Proficient. ESL is English as a Second Language. Students who did not learn English as their native tongue and/or continue to use other than English as a dominant language would be considered an English language learner.
The ESOL program is designed to meet the needs of students for whom English is not their primary language. The goal is to prepare students for success in school and in society through the development of cultural awareness and English language proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. There is a particular emphasis on the skills necessary for students to meet standards on the ACCESS for ELLs (a language proficiency exam), the Ga Milestone (GMAS) and Georgia High School Graduation Tests (GHSGT).
The integration of technology is an important tool in accessing authentic information in the target language and in providing students the opportunity to interact with native speakers.
While taking the course, students will exhibit higher proficiency in speaking, writing, listening, and reading ENGLISH.
SUPPLIES for this class:
"YOUR LANGUAGE" / English dictionary
pencil for class everyday