Georgia Studies

Assessment Calendar

DAily Schedule

Class Information: Mr. Kirk and Mr. Cato

  • Georgia Studies is comprised of material on the History, Geography, Government, and Economics of our state. Throughout the year we will study many units that touch on these topics.

  • Students will need a composition book for class. These will be used to make Interactive Student Notebooks (ISN) for the year. These will be kept in class, however, students may take these home to study for assessments.

  • Students may utilize and download the GPB App on any of their devices to use as a resource to the class. Additionally, we have sets of streams that we use in class that students may use to go to the GPB Education Website.

  • Grading: Each Nine Weeks we will have 3-4 Summative Assessments that will count for 60% of the grade. Additionally, we will have 4-6 Formative Assessments that will count for 30% of the Grade. Summative Assessments can replace Formative Assessment grades. At the end of the Nine Weeks, we will take a CDA (Common District Assessment) that will count 10%. Students may reassess on Summative assignments provided that they come in for additional help from Mr. Kirk or Mr. Cato. (*The CDA cannot be retaken but may replace a summative from the NIne Weeks period.)

8/5 - 8/6

8/5 - Class Procedures, Google Classroom Code, ISN Notebook setup

8/6 - Begin Unit of Geography of Georgia


Georgia Studies Teacher Notes for the Georgia Standards of Excellence in Social Studies: