Ms Rutherford
Phone 706-650-6040
Google Classroom Join Codes and Daily Schedule
Google Classroom Join Codes and Daily Schedule
1st period Ceramics 1: dl32ol2
2nd period Planning
3rd period - Ceramics (2/3/4): tumcrdk
3rd period - AP 3D Art: 23z7iyw
4th period - Ceramics 1: ebtehcf
5th period - Ceramics 1: 5olncez
6th period - Ceramics (2/3/4): ppulzx5
7th period - Ceramics 1: lvmeoel
This will be my 12th year teaching art, and I am so excited for this school year! This is my 5th year at Greenbrier High School, and it is also my Alma Mater. I have a 7 year old son, Mark Daniel, and a sweet pup named Hopper. I look forward to a great year in Ceramics and AP 3D art!