Parkway PTO

Who We Are

We are a volunteer group of parents dedicated to supporting Parkway Elementary School's children thrive inside and outside of the classroom. We are committed to serving and supporting the teachers and staff by connecting the parents with the tangible needs of our school. 

PTO Membership

When you join the PTO, your money goes toward events and fundraisers that sponsor activities, such as our family events, Spirit Nights, Candy Grams, Bingo, and the like, as well as purchasing additional school resources such as STEM materials and updated electronic equipment. This year, the money we raise will be used for hands-on classroom instructional STEM materials, stage upgrades (audio system, additional risers), and media system upgrades. Upgrades will improve the visibility and sound quality of performances. To join:

Please feel free to contact us if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, anytime throughout the school year at Thank you for your support. 

Jennifer Dougherty, President 

Marissa Korn, Vice President 

Jessica Sheldon, Secretary

Jennifer Harrelson, Secretary Support 

Jessica Pharr, Treasurer