Mrs. McCauley's Class


Upcoming dates:

8/1 Open House

8/5 First Day of School


Contact Information


***I try to respond to email throughout the school day, but will mostly  be able to respond at the end of the day.

  Phone: 706-855-7538

Leave a message and provide a number and the best time of day that I can call you back. 

Mr. McCauley and Mrs. McCauley

A Little About Me...

I am originally from South Carolina, but I have lived in Georgia for 27 years, which I consider my home state.  I earned my Bachelor's Degree in Science with my major in Early Childhood Education from Augusta State University in 2006,  and received my gifted endorsement in education in 2018.  

I live in Grovetown.  I am married to the sweetest man ever, Mr. Tommy.  I have 5 children and 4 grandchildren!  I love spending time with my family, planting flowers, gardening, bird watching, fishing, hunting, vacationing at the beach, and of course, TEACHING! 

I feel so excited to be your child's teacher!   I have been teaching for 18 years, and teaching has always been a passion of mine.  Nothing feels more satisfying as a teacher than to see a child enjoy learning, and to desire to become a life-long learner.  My goal is to develop relationships with my students that encourages and inspires them to learn.  My team and I enjoy creating fun and exciting lessons to keep our students engaged in learning to prepare them for second grade.  I have been part of the Brookwood family for twelve years.   Brookwood is my second home. Second grade is AWESOME and we are going to have an amazing year!

Fun times learning and fun times with friends...

Reesun is counting her money!

Ansley is counting her money!

Reading under our desk!

James if proud of his answer!

My children and me.

Brooke, Ryan, Brittany, Meagin, Brent, and Mrs. McCauley

Favorite Quotes...

"It takes a special heart to shape young minds."

"Mistakes are proof that you are trying."

"Its OK to Not know, but it's 

Not OK to Not try."

Mrs. McCauley with Mr. Tommy at Thanksgiving

 Brent, Brooke, and Brittany

Connor with his wooden train he got with Nana at Cracker Barrel

Declan at Disney World

Ryan, Connor, and Declan

Mrs. McCauley and Meagin

Ryan, Taylor, and Connor