Dr. Lilly's Web Page
Dr. Lilly's Web Page
Welcome Panthers! This is where you can find all of the basic information for your class. All course materials will be posted in google classroom. For the 2024-2025 school year, I will be teaching AP European History and IB History, HL and SL. You can find the links at the top of the home page (this page) to your specific class. The best way to reach me is through email at kay.lilly@ccboe.net #gopanthers #haillakeside
Welcome Panthers! This is where you can find all of the basic information for your class. All course materials will be posted in google classroom. For the 2024-2025 school year, I will be teaching AP European History and IB History, HL and SL. You can find the links at the top of the home page (this page) to your specific class. The best way to reach me is through email at kay.lilly@ccboe.net #gopanthers #haillakeside
Class Information
Room: 106
Email: kay.lilly@ccboe.net
1st- AP Government and Politics
2nd- AP European History
3rd- IB HLY1 History of the Americas
4th- IB SL History
5th- Planning
6th- IB HLY2 History of the Americas
7th- IB SL History
I am available for tutoring before school everyday at 7:00 and some days after school- please see me to get a pass and get on the tutoring schedule.
Remind Codes:
1st: will be given out the first week of school
2nd: will be given out the first week of school
3rd: @dchaae
4th: @ada3ac
6th: @792bd84
7th: @97ah7kg6
Google Classroom Codes:
1st: will be given out the first week of school
2nd: will be given out the first week of school
3rd: b3bwskl
4th: x5or7ai
6th: jicvmxl
7th: x2amvll