

Personal Fitness Syllabus


Coach Lewis


Personal Fitness (P.F.) and Health are the only physical education classes required for graduation. During class we will walk, jog, run or do resistance exercises. We will also try some physical activities that MAY be new to you. (yoga, body weight exercises, etc.) We will also learn the principles of fitness and the benefits of exercise by completing chapter handouts. A State required fitness test will be administered this semester. The FitnessGram test has been chosen by the State of Georgia.

**If there is any reason you cannot complete the physical portion of this class, you will need to let me know and provide a medical excuse. **

MISSED CLASSES: Excused absences can be made up by watching the class recordings and completing the daily work. You have a 10 day window to make up summative assignments. The make up assessments WILL NOT be the same instrument as the original assessment.

Class Expectations:

  • As I teach Physical Education and Health, my biggest expectation is that you get moving! (Even on days we don't have live meets! We will discuss this more during our first week of classes, but I want you to be prepared!)

  • I also EXPECT you to TRY all of the assigned activities. Over the course of the semester we will TRY different activities. I don't expect you will be a professional at all of them but I do expect you to try everything. Who knows, you might find a new favorite!

  • Be engaged! Talk to your classmate, and to me, during classes. You may just make a new friend or two!!

  • ENJOY yourself!! With all the stress you have with the other classes, I expect you to use MY 30 minutes each day to be active and "be stress free"!! It is a proven fact that physical activity helps relieve stress....let's give it a try!

Grading will be based on the following:

  1. 70 %: Written Test, Fitness Test, (Summative)

  2. 30% Daily grades, activity logs (Formative)

CONTACTING Coach Lewis: I am a part time educator here at CVA. My schedule is on my website if you need to check my class and office schedule. THE BEST way to contact me is via email. I do check email daily during the week. If you do need to call me, my number is listed above. However, I do not check my voicemail on days/times I am not in the office.