Mrs. Fedak's Homepage

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go. " - Dr. Seuss -

Welcome to 3rd grade! My name is Uriah Fedak. This is my 6th year at Evans Elementary. 

I have 2 boys, Hayden and Liam. Hayden will attending Georgia Southern, and Liam is a junior in high school. My husband Brian and I have been married for almost 19 years! We also have 3 dogs that keep our family busy.  

I look forward to an exciting year with your wonderful students!


Color - Blue and purple


Animals - Dogs, sloth, platypus

Matcha green tea latte


Contact Information

Name: Uriah Fedak


Phone: (706) 863-1202

*The best way to contact me is either through email or Remind.