Welcome to

Mrs. Angell's Classroom

Welcome 5th Grade Students and Guardians!

This website will be a great resource of information throughout the school year. You can find updated assignment and event calendars as well as different academic resources to help your 5th grade reach their full potential. Please see the contact information below if you have any addition questions.

Contact Information:

The best way to contact me is through ClassDojo. If you need assistance being connected, please send me an email and I will be able to link your phone number and/or email to their account.

My School Email: amber.angell@ccboe.net

If you ever need to contact me via telephone, please call Cedar Ridge Elementary at 706-447-2100 and they will be able to forward call.

Office Hours for Parent Contact or Scheduling Conferences are from 7:45-810, 9:00-9:30, and 4:10-4:30.