Ms.Barrett Visual Arts


Welcome to the Visual Arts homepage! I'm Ms.Barrett and this is my first year at Lakeside High School! I hold a bachelor of Fine Arts and a Master of Arts in Teaching from Augusta University. I will be teaching Art One, Art Two, Art Three, and Art Four this 2024-2025 school year.  

My goal this year is to get to know the student body and encourage them by fostering a creative and supportive environment in the classroom.  I plan to introduce drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, mixed-media, and more! I'm looking forward to meeting all of you! 


Period One: Art One

Period Two: Planning

Period Three: Art One

Period Four: Art Three

Period Five: Art Four

Period Six: Art One

Period Seven: Art Two


All Grades  will be posted in Infinite Campus. 

Grades in art are based on project participation and understanding of the concept or technique.

Summative Assessments : 60%

-projects and tests 

-written reflections

Formative Assessments: 30%




Final Project/ Semester Exam: 10%

Google Classroom Codes:

Art One: nz6inyt 

Art Two: qfpx7fx

Art Three: 3h6mbgk

 Art Four: mpxqx7i

Contact Information: 


Phone:  706-863-0027  - Leave a message and provide number and best time of day that I can call you back.

Other forms of contact: Students must sign up for their class Google Classroom and class Remind. This provides communication of due dates, class/assignment changes, and a great way to contact the teacher!

Remind Codes:

Art One @89e2k6

Art Two @2deg8ae

Art Three @cdbedeg 

Art Four @9ake2k