Jones Science Class

The website is a great resource to keep you updated about important class information including: a tentative weekly calendar (seen below), classroom papers, and contact information. Please reach out to me with any questions or concerns. 

Class information: 


Remind: text @jonessci24 to 81010 or with the Remind app

EMS Website:

Class Syllabus & Google Classroom information can be found under the "Class Information" tab or by clicking here

Grading Scale:

Summative Assessments: 70%

Formative Assessments: 30%

Weekly Calendar

23-24 Weekly Schedule

This calendar will be updated weekly; it can also be found on Google Classroom and on the whiteboard in our classroom. Make sure you keep up with important dates!

Login is required to see all details of some events. Students can log in using their CCSD email and password. Check our class's Google Classroom for more information.

Evans Middle School, Columbia County Schools

4785 Hereford Farm Road

Evans, GA 30809
