Mr. Jennings' Home Page


Welcome to the Photography homepage! I am Mr. Jennings. I teach Photography 1, 2, 3, and 4 at Lakeside High School. This is my fifth year teaching at Lakeside High School, prior to this I was teaching in the Art department at Augusta University. 

Most of my classes will be mixed with all levels of students. Our classroom is in a lab (123), so all students have access to a computer and editing software like Photoshop. Students can expect to increase their knowledge of the camera, separate from smart phones and apps, and also learn how to navigate professional editing software like Adobe Photoshop and Indesign. 

My plan for this year is to dive significantly into the camera by having one at every desk most days.  I want every student to learn how to use a digital camera and to use the manual settings as well. I have enough cameras for all students to use in class and you are welcome to bring your own as well. Here is a link to the syllabus

Google Classroom

Photography Level 1 - 2yty45m

Photography Level 2 - nsiv2gf

Photography Level 3 - usgyp62

Photography Level 4  - d63xfev

Remind App

LHS Photo 23/24

Code for joining - @lhsphoto21  

NAHS (National Art Honor Society)

NAHS is an optional organization that students can join each year. NAHS is a nationally recognized society where you have to pay dues, earn a set number of hours a year, take at least one Art class (art, ceramics, photo) a year, and attend regular meetings. A graduation cord is presented to those who meet all requirements. As a 9th grader you are a "soft" member who will become nationally recognized in 10th grade. As a 9th grader you can see what the organization is about and if you want to be apart of it before you become official.  NAHS Website 

Rev Trak

Click on this link for donations and/or dues Rev Trak.  This will take you to the Art department page, where you will need to click on your class or club (if you are paying for NAHS). A $20.00 a semester donation would be greatly appreciated, given the budget cuts across the state in education.  Donations can be given in person as well.