Principal's Message

Dear Students, Staff and Parents,

Welcome to Harlem Middle School and the 2022-2023 school year! We are committed to providing a safe learning environment while challenging all students to achieve academic success. We will work with each individual to ensure they are provided the opportunity to develop problem solving skills that are necessary to be positive contributors in our society.

HMS faculty, staff, and administration want to make sure that each individual has a positive and well-rounded experience. We offer a variety of challenging courses as well as multiple athletic teams, fine arts programs, and clubs that allow students to explore their varying interests.

Our job at HMS is to provide you with as many positive learning experiences as possible. We ask that you take advantage of these opportunities to develop your B.A.R.K. It is an honor to be a Bulldog and represent the community of Harlem. We expect great things from each of you at HMS!

I look forward to working with each of you this year. If you have any questions or concerns, I can be reached at .


John Bush