Google Classroom Help

google classroom help 

how to login to classlink and google classroom

Login to Classlink .pdf
Submitting Work in Google Classroom .webm

how to submit work in google classroom

This video explains the difference between submitting a Google Document assignment versus a Google Slides assignment.  

**A Google Drawings assignment follows the same steps as a Google Slides assignment.**  

Viewing Work in Google Classroom .webm

viewing work in Google classroom

Making corrections and Re-submitting work .webm

making corrections & re-Submitting work 

Showing Work with Google Drawings .webm

showing work with google drawings

uploading documents with your phone 


submitting work in google classroom  

If students need to show their work for an assignment and they want to complete that work by hand, they can still submit and turn-in that work through Google Classroom.  Here is how to do that! Complete steps 1-4, then watch the video below for instructions on how to submit the work.

Uploading documents with your phone.webm