GTE Stepping Jaguars
Stepping Jaguars
What is stepping? Stepping or step-dancing is a form of percussive dance in which people use their entire body as an instrument to produce complex rhythms and sounds! This is done through a mixture of footsteps, spoken word, and hand claps. Stepping may also draw from elements of gymnastics, break dance, tap dance, march, or African and Caribbean dance, or include stunts as a part of individual routines.
Who can step? 4th and 5th graders who consistently show great behavior! 3 R's = Respectful, Responsible, & Ready. If you are interested in joining the step team and practicing for school-wide performances, we would love to have you! This is also a great way to foster great relationships with other GTE students! Contact Mrs. Collins for an application form. After an application is filled out by a parent, students are rated on how well they show their 3 (Respectful, Responsible, & Readiness). Lastly, there is a 40 students cap.
Meet Mrs. Collins
This is her 8th year at GTE and 14th year teaching altogether.
She graduated from the Unsinkable Albany State University with a Bachelor's and Masters degree in Early Childhood Education. She also graduated from Augusta University with a Specialist Degree in Curriculum and Instruction with an Educational Leadership Add-On Tier II.
She is an active member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated.
She loves to dance and STEP!
She is married with 3 wonderful children.
She is a full time sports mom.
Contact: (706) 863-0800 or