Welcome To Coach Webb's Learning Zone of Math
Where Math Is The Chosen Way Of Life

About Me:
I am a 2005 graduate of Paine College and a 2007 graduate of Troy University. My career field started as a Revenue Agent for the Internal Revenue Service, but my passion for teaching kids allowed me to switch careers in 2010. I am entering my 14th year as a Math Instructor. I've always had a passion for numbers; therefore, the love of teaching Math has always been a passion of mine. I am a coach by trade, football/wrestling/golf, so I've taken those skills and used them in my classroom, and it has been a seamless transition. I welcome you to a new school year and an awesome year of learning.
"Derek's Webb of Learning"
An environment of learning designed to enhance your mathematical skills and provide various tools to guide you to becoming the greatest Mathematician you are destined to be.
My Mission Statement
To prepare all students for college and life by providing a challenging curriculum (RIGOR) that connects students' lives and their time (RELEVANCE) in a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment (RELATIONSHIPS).
Google Classroom Information
Algebra 1 - Classroom Code: fo637xk
Analytic Geometry - Classroom Code: gh74jpb
Advanced Algebra - Classroom Code: 4o5lbgf
AMDM - Classroom Code: j3tayme
Stat Reasoning - Classroom Code: 7fi3qnu
Remind Codes
Algebra 1: @ae783b
Analytic Geometry: @2324geom
Advanced Algebra: @cegbbhb
AMDM: @2324amd
Stat Reasoning: @2324stati
“A good head and good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special.”
- Nelson Mandela