Additional Resources

SAT Prep

Even if you don't take classes here, feel free to use these resources to prepare. The best part is...they're all FREE!

Harlem Helps!

Make an anonymous referral for yourself or a student. If you feel someone needs to speak to an adult, or is having a hard time, let us know and we will take it from there.

"If you see something, hear something or know something, say something."

Click the picture to request help.

Teacher Shout Outs!

Make sure you tell your teacher how much you appreciate them by sending a Teacher Shout Out! We couldn't do it without them!

Click the picture to send a Shout Out!

HHS Food Club

Receive a Saturday Sack by simply telling an adult!


Join our Remind account to receive information on upcoming events, opportunities and for some occasional motivation!

Free and Reduced Price Meals

Click the image for the CCBOE application!