General Information


Traditional written "homework" is given on an "as needed" basis. Most written work that may need to be completed at home is unfinished classwork (See Google Classroom for extra worksheet copies or instructions for assignments).

However, students are asked to review their notes DAILY so they are prepared to ask questions as we learn rather than wait to study the night before an assessment when it may be too late to get assistance. We are learning a lot of information in a short time period. It is easier to remember when topics are reviewed in small chunks a little each night.

Assessments and Reassessments:

Students that earn below an 80 on a Summative assessment must retest within two weeks of the original grade being posted. However, to be eligible for a retake they must show evidence of further study on the material. Reassessments are not permitted for formative assignments.


Email: (Quickest method of contact)

You can also contact me through Google Classroom or by calling the school.

Supply List:


Kleenex ******NEEDED throughout the year********

Paper towel - with water bottles in the classrooms, spills do happen.

I also like to reward students with small pieces of candy. So donations of your child's favorite candy is always welcome!

About The Teacher

NAME: Cynthia Hicks Briceño


3/1996 - 6/2004 = Hephzibah Middle

7th grade - Social Studies, Language Arts

6th grade - Reading, Social Studies, Science, Language Arts

8/04 - present = Evans Middle

6th grade - Writing, Social Studies

7th grade - Language Live, Language Arts, and Social Studies

8th grade - Georgia Studies


Elementary School: Bel Air

Middle School: Evans Middle

High School: Evans High


Undergrad - Augusta University - (Basic studies)

Bachelor of Science - Georgia Southern University (Middle Grades Ed)

Masters of Education (Leadership) - Troy State University

Educational Specialist (Admin/Supervision)- Lincoln Memorial University


Late Husband - Francisco Javier - Passed 4/17/16

Son - Francisco James (15 years)

Daughter - Katie Marie (11 years)

Hobbies: Traveling, Reading, Scrapbooking, enjoying time with family, and Watching BRAVES baseball!!


TV shows: NCIS, NCIS LA, Bull, FBI

Colors: Red and Green

Food: Mexican

Drink: Coca-Cola (Diet Cherry)

Candy: Reese's Cups

Season: Fall

Vacation Spot: In the Mountains :)