Reflecting on my Learning

In my opinion the area that was most impacted by the whole process of my personal project was my knowledge on motorcycles, their principles, and how to fix them. During the process I learned about attributes and about my motorcycle. First of all, I was able to pull the motorcycle apart and rebuild it alone, I only used my knowledge and at the time not so much the help that others gave me. Second, I was able to identify the problem that my motorcycle had by only using my investigation and my knowledge. I analyzed everything to the point where I was able to fix everything and identify everything that needed and required change.

My global context centralized my whole project. I used science and technology to understand the impact that my motorcycle would have upon my knowledge as a whole, and the impact it had upon my future in mechanics. Second of all I was able to use innovation to make a change on the structure of the bike and how it worked. I changed a lot of things in the interior and used different techniques to be able to develop the whole product, hence why I broadened my knowledge upon my global context and what it did to my project.

The main purpose of developing the personal project is to prepare us to be able to confront the IB, I say it completely worked, because it gave me a taste of what was coming up and it obviously broadened my knowledge upon the IB, how it worked, and how it inflicted on me (attributes). I can say that the two attributes that I developed best were, Risk-Taking and finally Communication. First, I developed the attribute of being a risk taker, because I was able to manage the pressure that came behind my product of re -building a motorcycle, so many things could’ve gone wrong, but I was able to push through it with the knowledge that came from my investigation, I analyzed everything that I did step by step to be able to know where to go and what to do properly. Second, I developed communication because I was able to properly transmit what I learned to others in a proper way using text, knowledge, and evidence to support it. Along the way showing my journey and the skills that I needed to use and develop to be able to do something of this complexity.