My Research

This video help me to understand that a good diet is not taking sugar and flowers from your diet is that you need to moderate your quantity of flower sugar etc.

I love this website because it gives you explanation and you just need to try to avoid does foods

I chose this one because it gives you healthy, good and deli swaps

I like this one because its more concrete than the last ones I saw, it gives you the why you need to swap it.

I loved this video its vegan but healthy like wow in that video literary you can learn how to do vegan super delicious chocolate cake you need to see this video

this website this is for the kids you can give this nutrition plan to kids they would have a good growing.

I think this page it gives you healthy and good recipes something I want to do with my book.

Vas a amar este video es increíble un batido arcoíris y ademas lo que nos gusta cero azúcar yay :)

Te reto a no sonreír con esta receta por fin una receta de galletas mas saludable te va a encantar galletas sin culpa:)

tara por fin nada mejor que cupcakes sin azúcar, espero disfruten esta receta les va a encantar