10 tips about animal protection.

We learned that it is important to care about animals

Prohibit hunting of animals.

Avoid deforestation of forests.

Avoid contamination of natural resources.

Promote plans for captive breeding.

Contribute to the reduction of tree felling with recycling.

Respect protected areas and nature reserves.

Be responsible.

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Avoid deforestation. Forests obscure the biodiversity that lives in them. The felling of trees is causing severe damage to animal species. In fact, many of them cannot survive.

Avoid deforestation. Forests obscure the biodiversity that lives in them. The felling of trees is causing severe damage to animal species. In fact, many of them cannot survive.

The animals that are endangered of extinction are Elephants, Rhino, Lions, Tigers, Leopard, Cheetahs, Jaguars, pangolins, Great Apes and etc…. save animals

Animals , are in danger because there’s two main reasons loss of habitat and loss of genetic and human activity can also contribute to a loss of habitat.

How to preserve animals will not kill and protect, because animals are important in human life, and animals are like humans.

1. For the enjoyment of future generations

2. For the environment and other animals

3. For medicinal purposes

Learn about endangered species in your area. 
Teach your friends and family about the wonderful wildlife, birds, fish and plants that live near you.

The fact that an area has abundant natural wealth also often leads to dangerous situations for the species that constitute the biological wealth in the area. Guatemala is one of the largest countries to suffer from loss of species richness and the disappearance of wildlife symbols such as jaguars, mountain lions or quetzals

Avoid deforestation. Forests obscure the biodiversity that lives in them. The felling of trees is causing severe damage to animal species. In fact, many of them cannot survive.

The main threats to biodiversity are climate change, loss and degradation of ecosystems, deforestation and habitat fragmentation, hunting and overexploitation of resources, species trafficking, proliferation of invasive species, pollution, mining, introduction of pathogens and urban sprawl .

Here, we have listed a list of twelve animal species, which not only face high risks in Colombia, but also on a global scale, as shown in the red list, which is a list carried out by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).