My Research

Deforestation is really a big problem in the world but we are on time to change what we have done. Since 1960 half of the tropical forests have been destroyed, each second more than 1 hectare of forest have destroy. Over 80 percent of world terrestrial biodiversity is found in forest, forests provide essential services like clean the air, clean the water, provide healthy soil, etc. But not everything is bat (FLR) forest landscape restoration, have said some ideas for improving deforestation, not only planting trees, also activities like agroforestry, erosion control and forest regeneration.
I learned that there are many effects of deforestation and trees are so important, for example the loss of animals and plants due the loss of their habitats, also the trees in the rainforests that are like houses for some species provide canopy that regulate the temperature. Also the increase of greenhouse gasses on the atmosphere, soil erosion, fewer crops and problems for indigenous people. Also trees help to control the water level on the atmosphere, so by cutting more trees less water on the atmosphere and the soil gets dryer, also trees retain water and topsoil, which provide the rich nutrients to sustain forest life.

causesIn this video I learned that there are many causes of deforestation but some of them are worst, for example logging that is the cut of trees for constructions, objects, papers, pencils, etc. Agriculture is another one, the cut of trees for expand their lands for agriculture purposes. Mining also, they clear entire areas in order to mine and the last one is the clear of trees to expand overpopulated cities.

The importance of treestrees are so important for every human life and in this video i learned that trees have many benifits like: trees improve water qualitie by slowing and filtering rain water, or each tree absorve about 2,000 litrs of water each year, their shades cool the earth temperature, trees renew our air by absorving carbon dioxide and producing oxigen and more

Tips for reduce deforestation

1 Use recycled materials, few companies have made paper, books or bags with recycled materials.2 Let's stop cutting trees.3 When making a wood fire use coal instead of pieces of wood4 Let's plant some trees you already know this quote: the person who never plant a tree is like if they never live.5 Spread the word of this tips, let's explain them the importance of trees for living.6 Help organization that help this cause (if you can) by contributing your time, your money or your actions.

In this video I learn the part of a tree, it only have 4 parts, the roots, the log, the branches and the leaves. The root is what support the tree, also collects water and certain nutrients for the tree.

the log give the shape to the tree, and take water to the branches, the branches carrys the trees,they grow in direction to the sun. The leaves grow looking to the sun due to photosintesis, this hekp them for to produce their own food.

3 facts about forests

1 About 1 billion people depend on forest to sustent.

2 Norway is the first country to stop cutting boreal forests.

3 Tropical forest provide up to 30% of the global action needed to stop climate change.

In this video I learn that by recycling we can replace the woods and save more trees, with a special process they change plastic that for some people is trash, for wood, concrete and sometimes metal, the result might be like the photo at the left.

In this video I learn that not everything is bat, the FLR, Forest Lamdscape Restoration, they make diferent process such us planting trees, manage natural regeneration, agroforestry, and many other more.

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