


Carlos Palacios, Jose Enrique Vazquez Guzman, Alberto Beltran, Leopoldo Ruiz-Huerta, Alberto Caballero-Ruiz and Roberto Zenit, On the maximum operating frequency of prosthetic heart valves, Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, IOP Accepted Manuscript online 13 June 2018 doi:10.1088/2057-1976/aacc2e

Zian Fanti, Fabian Torres, Eric Hazan-Lasri, Alfonso Gastelum-Strozzi, Leopoldo Ruiz-Huerta, Alberto Caballero-Ruiz, F. Ara ́mbula Cosıo, Improved Surface-Based Registration of CT and Intraoperative 3D Ultrasound of Bones, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, Hindawi, Article ID 2365178, Volume 2018

Ahuett-Garza, H., & Kurfess, T. (2018). A brief discussion on the trends of habilitating technologies for industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing. Manufacturing Letters, 15, 60-63. doi:10.1016/j.mfglet.2018.02.011

Diabb, J., Rodríguez, C. A., Mamidi, N., Sandoval, J. A., Taha-Tijerina, J., Martínez-Romero, O., & Elías-Zúñiga, A. (2017). Study of lubrication and wear in single point incremental sheet forming (SPIF) process using vegetable oil nanolubricants. Wear, 376-377, 777-785. doi:10.1016/j.wear.2017.01.045

Ibarra, D., Ledesma, R., & Lopez, E. (2018). Design and construction of an omnidirectional sound source with inverse filtering approach for optimization. HardwareX, 4 doi:10.1016/j.ohx.2018.e00033

Ramirez-Cedillo, E., Sandoval-Robles, J. A., Ruiz-Huerta, L., Caballero-Ruiz, A., Rodriguez, C. A., & Siller, H. R. (2018). Process planning guidelines in selective laser melting for the manufacturing of stainless steel parts. Procedia Manufacturing, 26 973-982. doi:10.1016/j.promfg.2018.07.125

Rodríguez-Salvador, M., & Garcia-Garcia, L. A. (2018). Uncovering 3D bioprinting research trends: A keyword network mapping analysis. Int J Bioprint 2018, 4(2); doi: 10.18063/ijb.v4i2.147

Rodríguez-Salvador, M., & Garcia-Garcia, L. A. (2018). Additive manufacturing in healthcare. Foresight and STI Governance, 12(1), 47-55. doi:10.17323/2500-2597.2018.1.47.55

Balderrama-Armendariz, C.O., MacDonald, E., Espalin, D. et al., Torsion analysis of the anisotropic behavior of FDM technology, Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2018) 96: 307.

Garcia-Garcia L A, Rodriguez-Salvador M, 2018, Uncovering 3D bioprinting research trends: A keyword network mapping analysis. Int J Bioprint, 4(2): 147.


Lara-Padilla, H., Mendoza-Buenrostro, C., Cardenas, D., Rodriguez-Garcia, A., & Rodriguez, C. A. (2017). Influence of controlled cooling in bimodal scaffold fabrication using polymers with different melting temperatures. Materials, 10(6) doi:10.3390/ma10060640

Ramirez-Cedillo, E., Lara-Padilla, H., Zamudio-Peña, L. F., Rodriguez-Garcia, A., Ruiz-Huerta, L., Ruiz, A. C., & Siller, H. R. (2017). Process chain for the fabrication of a custom 3D barrier for guided bone regeneration. Procedia CIRP, 65 151-156. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2017.04.015

Rodríguez-Salvador, M., Rio-Belver, R. M., & Garechana-Anacabe, G. (2017). Scientometric and patentometric analyses to determine the knowledge landscape in innovative technologies: The case of 3D bioprinting. PLoS ONE, 12(6) doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0180375

Gerardo Garcia-Garcia, Elisa V. Vázquez, Héctor R. Siller, Caballero-Ruiz A, Ruiz-Huerta L, Calibration of ball nose micro end milling operations for sculptured surfaces machining,, Int J Mach Mach Mater, Dec, 2017. doi:10.1504/IJMMM.2017.088898


Ruiz Huerta L., Almanza Arjona Y.C; Caballero Ruiz A., Castro Espinosa H.A., Díaz M., Echevarría y Pérez E., CAD and AM-Fabricated moulds for fast cranio-maxillofacial implants manufacture, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 22 Iss 1 pp. 31 – 39, 2016. DOI: 10.1108/rpj-03-2014-0032

Figueroa-Cavazos, J. O., Flores-Villalba, E., Diaz-Elizondo, J. A., Martínez-Romero, O., Rodríguez, C. A., & Siller, H. R. (2016). Design concepts of polycarbonate-based intervertebral lumbar cages: Finite element analysis and compression testing. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/7149182

García-López, E., Olvera-Trejo, D., & Velásquez-García, L. F. (2017). 3D printed multiplexed electrospinning sources for large-scale production of aligned nanofiber mats with small diameter spread. Nanotechnology, 28(42) doi:10.1088/1361-6528/aa86cc

Olvera-Trejo, D., & Velásquez-García, L. F. (2016). Additively manufactured MEMS multiplexed coaxial electrospray sources for high-throughput, uniform generation of core-shell microparticles. Lab on a Chip, 16(21), 4121-4132. doi:10.1039/c6lc00729e

Salvador, M. R., & de Menéndez, A. M. H. (2016). Major advances in ophthalmology: Emergence of bio-additive manufacturing. Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business, 6(1), 59-65.


Mendoza-Buenrostro, C., Lara, H., & Rodriguez, C. (2015). Hybrid fabrication of a 3D printed geometry embedded with PCL nanofibers for tissue engineering applications. Procedia Engineering, 110 128-134. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2015.07.020


Melgoza, E. L., Vallicrosa, G., Serenó, L., Ciurana, J., & Rodríguez, C. A. (2014). Rapid tooling using 3D printing system for manufacturing of customized tracheal stent. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 20(1), 2-12. doi:10.1108/RPJ-01-2012-0003

Monroy, K. P., Delgado, J., Sereno, L., Ciurana, J., & Hendrichs, N. J. (2014). Effects of the selective laser melting manufacturing process on the properties of CoCrMo single tracks. Metals and Materials International, 20(5), 873-884. doi:10.1007/s12540-014-5011-0

Salvador, M. R., Zamudio, P. C., Carrasco, A. S. A., Benítez, E. O., & Bautista, B. A. (2014). Strategic foresight: Determining patent trends in additive manufacturing. Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business, 4(3), 42-62.

Capítulos de Libro


Rodriguez, C. A., Lara-Padilla, H., & Dean, D. (2018). Bioceramics for Musculoskeletal Regenerative Medicine – Materials and Manufacturing Process Compatibility for Synthetic Bone Grafts and Medical Devices. In Ovsianikov, A., Yoo, J., Mironov, V. (Eds.) 3D Printing and Biofabrication. Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-45443-6.

Barbara Bermudez-Reyes, Frederic Trillaud, Fernando Velazquez- Villegas, Jonathan Remba-Uribe, Ana M. Arizmendi-Morquecho, Alberto Caballero-Ruíz, Mario A. Mendoza-Barcenas, Rafael Prieto- Melendez, Leopoldo Ruiz-Huerta and Lauro Santiago-Cruz (June 20th 2018). Suborbital Flight: An Affordable and Feasible Option for Mexican Aerospace Development, Space Flight, George Dekoulis, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.73859

Ontiveros, Mayra Ivette Peña, Cesar Omar Balderrama Armendáriz and David Cortés Sáenz. "Design of Recreational Vehicles for Young and Adult People as an Alternative to Physical Activation in Open Spaces." Handbook of Research on Ergonomics and Product Design. IGI Global, 2018. 113-131. Web. 2 Dec. 2018. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-5234-5.ch008


Ferrer, I., Grabalosa, J., Elias-Zuñiga, A., & Rodriguez, C. A. (2016). Design issues in medical devices. In Özel, T., Bártolo, P.J., Ceretti, E., De Ciurana Gay, J., Rodriguez, C.A., Lopes Da Silva, J.V. (Eds.) Biomedical devices: Design, prototyping, and manufacturing (pp. 23-48). Wiley, ISBN: 978-111926703-4.

Memorias de Congreso


Alberto Caballero-Ruiz, Juan A. Hernández-Angulo, Gabriel Ascanio, Leticia Vega-Alvarado, Leopoldo Ruiz-Huerta, Edmundo Brito-de la Fuente, 2018, IMPACT OF THE CHAMBER SHAPE ON A SOFT ACTUATOR MECHANISM TO MIMIC THE ESOPHAGEAL SWALLOWING PROCESS, Proceedings of the ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2018, November 9-15, 2018, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, IMECE2018-86592

José Javier Cervantes C, Leopoldo Ruiz Ha , Armando Balderas P, Román Hernández R, Filiberto Martínez V, Armando Sánchez G, Jesús Rodríguez C, José Luis Espinoza R., 2018, Desarrollo de un proceso de manufactura aditiva (AM) de metal y determinación de propiedades de las piezas obtenidas, MEMORIAS DEL XXIV CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL ANUAL DE LA SOMIM 19 al 21 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2018 CAMPECHE, CAMPECHE, MÉXICO.

Yara Cecilia Almanza-Arjona, Leopoldo Ruiz Huerta​, Homero Alberto Castro Espinosa​, Alberto Caballero Ruiz​, Clara Esther Gómez García​, Adriana Itzel Hernández Contreras​, 2018, Caracterización de porosidad en piezas fabricadas mediante moldeo por compresión, MEMORIAS DEL XXIV CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL ANUAL DE LA SOMIM 19 al 21 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2018 CAMPECHE, CAMPECHE, MÉXICO.

Yara Almanza, Leopoldo Ruiz-Huerta, Fernando Gamboa, 2018, Diseño de un curso en línea para el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en manufactura aditiva con polímeros, MEMORIAS DEL XXXIII CONGRESO NACIONAL DE INSTRUMENTACIÓN, del 28 al 30 DE OCTUBRE DE 2018 TORREÓN, COAHUILA, MÉXICO.

Garcia-Garcia, L. A., & Rodriguez-Salvador, M. (2018). Additive manufacturing knowledge incursion on orthopaedic devices: The case of hand orthoses. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 2018-May 571-576. doi:10.25341/D4388H

García-García, L. A., Rodríguez-Salvador, M., & Moya-Bencomo, M. D. (2018). Development of a customized wrist orthosis for flexion and extension treatment using reverse engineering and 3D printing. In World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Proceedings, 68(2) 609-613. doi:10.1007/978-981-10-9038-7_113

Lara-Padilla, H., Ramírez-Cedillo, E., Rodríguez, C. A., & Rodríguez-García, A. (2017). Manufactura Digital Aplicada a la Regeneración Guiada de Hueso Alveolar. In Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Biomédica, 4(1) 402-406


Erick Ramirez-Cedillo, Hernan Lara-Padilla, Luis F. Zamudio-Peña, Aida Rodriguez-Garcia, Leopoldo Ruiz-Huerta, Alberto Caballero Ruiz, Hector R. Siller, PROCESS CHAIN FOR THE FABRICATION OF A CUSTOM 3D BARRIER FOR GUIDED BONE REGENERATION, 3rd CIRP Conference on BioManufacturing, Procedia CIRP, Procedia CIRP 65 ( 2017 ) 151 – 15


Ruiz-Huerta L, Horacio Gutiérrez-Osorio A, Caballero-Ruiz A, Borja V. CORRELATION BETWEEN BUILDING PARAMETERS, MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AND BUILDING TIME IN MANUFACTURED PARTS BY FDM. Proceedings of the 2016 Summer Topical Meeting on Dimensional Accuracy and Surface Finish in Additive Manufacturing, June 27-30, 2016, Marriott Raleigh City Center Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. 60-65 pp

Ruiz-Huerta L, Adriana Hernández-Contreras, Alberto Caballero- Ruiz and Yara Cecilia Almanza-Arjona, COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY AIDED POROSITY COMPARISON BETWEEN ABS FILAMENTS AND FDM MANUFACTURED PIECES, Proceedings of the 2016 Summer Topical Meeting on Dimensional Accuracy and Surface Finish in Additive Manufacturing, June 27-30, 2016, Marriott Raleigh City Center Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. 66-71 pp

Ruiz-Huerta L, Castro-Espinosa H, Caballero-Ruiz A. Surface finish inspection by X-ray Computed Tomography in FDM parts. Proceedings of the 2016 Summer Topical Meeting on Dimensional Accuracy and Surface Finish in Additive Manufacturing, June 27-30, 2016, Marriott Raleigh City Center Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. 55-59 pp

Ruiz-Huerta L, Sánchez-Balanzar L, Caballero-Ruiz A, Velázquez-Villegas F. Raster analysis and mechanical behavior prediction by FEM of FDM process. Proceedings of the 2016 Summer Topical Meeting on Dimensional Accuracy and Surface Finish in Additive Manufacturing, June 27-30, 2016, Marriott Raleigh City Center Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, 72-77 pp


Ruiz-Huerta, L. , Caballero-Ruiz, A., Vega-Alvarado, L., Yañez-Sanvicente, R., Castro-Espinosa, H., 2015, Model - Support material interaction inspection by X-ray computed tomography in FDM additive manufacturing process, Proceedings ASPE 2015 Spring Topical Meeting - Achieving Precision Tolerances in Additive Manufacturing, North Carolina State University; EEUU; 26/04-29/04; Code 113652

Lara, H., Rodríguez, C., & Mendoza-Buenrostro, C. (2015). Fuzzy inference system applied to mechanical design of bone tissue engineering scaffolds. In Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer-Aided System Engineering, APCASE 2015, 409-413.


Figueroa, O., Rodríguez, C. A., Siller, H. R., Martínez-Romero, O., Flores-Villalba, E., Díaz-Elizondo, J. A., & Ramírez, R. (2014). Lumbar cage design concepts based on additive manufacturing. In High Value Manufacturing: Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advanced Research and Rapid Prototyping, VRAP 2013, 603-607.

Ruiz Huerta L., Ortega Rodríguez A., Caballero Ruiz A., 2014, Relation Between Tip Size, Deposition Speed and Roughness in FDM Technology, Proceedings ASPE 2014 Spring Topical Meeting - Dimensional Accuracy and Surface Finish in Additive Manufacturing, University of California Berkeley, EEUU, 13/04-16/14, pp 214-218.

Caballero Ruiz A., Ruiz-Huerta L., Garcia-Beltran L.I., Heredia-Lopez F., 2014, Micropositioning System for the Study of Neural Activity in Free-Behaving Rats, International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automotive Engineering (ICMEAE), Cuernavaca, Morelos, México, 18/11-21/11, Proceedings International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automotive Engineering 2014, pp 168-172.

Caballero Ruiz A., Ruiz-Huerta L., Barrera Oviedo J.C., Alagón Carrillo S., 2014, Design of a 1/4 Wavelength Michelson Interferometer Using a Compact Optical Setup, International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automotive Engineering (ICMEAE), Cuernavaca, Morelos, México, 18/11- 21/11, Proceedings International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automotive Engineering 2014, pp 141-145.