Year 13 Information Evening

Dear Parents, Guardians, 6th Formers

A very warm welcome back to our Year 13 students, parents and guardians. We are sorry not to welcome you personally, but hope our “virtual” resources will be informative and useful.

We are so proud of the way Year 13’s have settled back into school life. The environment and days feel different but the goals are the same; high levels of academic achievements and aspirational career pathways.

We are committed to ensuring our Year 13’s have the highest quality 6th Form experience and achieve their goals in work and life – in return, we expect our students to meet certain standards of behaviour and attitudes including:

  • Outstanding attendance.

  • Work completed on time and to the best of their ability.

  • Full participation in the learning process.

  • Act as an ambassador for our 6th Form at all times.

The CBSC Charter, linked below is a useful guide to all aspects of CBSC 6th Form.

The team very much looks forward to working closely with you in the coming months, please do not hesitate to get in touch if you require further information or support.

Paula Cowell

Assistant Head / Director of 6th Form

Year 13 Shortcuts