Other Ways to Improve Your Mental Health!

More ways to improve you mental health

Get a hobby

Studies has shown that having a hobby is good for your mental health, as it gives you something to do.

Get a pet!

Studies has shown that getting a pet can help with your mental health, and avoid loneliness.

Figer: Image of some hobbies

Note: The image was made by Hamza Ali Syed using Canva

Note: Man playing with his dog

Note: The Image was made by Hamza Ali Syed using Scratch


AHSChannel. (2020, March 31). Mental Wellness Moment — The importance of maintaining hobbies and activities [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppTH9hMrDjA


ICONIQ Psychology. (2018, January 25). Benefits Of Owning A Dog For Your Mental Health [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HOBzz3u8SA