Special Areas
Physical Education
Welcome to Cazenovia Middle School Physical Education
Coach Brooks: Hi, my name is Isaiah Brooks. I was born in Georgia but was raised in Syracuse NY my whole life. I have graduated from SUNY Cortland with a bachelors in Physical Education and a concentration in Adapted Physical Education. During my time at SUNY Cortland I have earned the status of ALL-American for the 110 Meter hurdles. I am currently working on my masters degree for Physical Education. I have been teaching for 2 ½ years at Wellsville Central School District working with Pre-5th graders. I am very familiar with the Cazenovia area and district and excited to be the new middle school physical education teacher.
Coach Poulos: My name is Beth Poulos. I grew up in Dewitt, attended Le Moyne College, and worked as a social worker before returning to SUNY Cortland to get my degree in Physical Education. In addition, I received my Master’s in Health Education from SUNY Brockport. I am excited to be teaching 5th, 6th and 7th grade physical education and health education with our 6th grade students. Outside of school, I love playing pickleball, hiking with my dog, attending my children’s swim meets, cooking and cheering on the US Women’s National Soccer Team.
Looking forward to: At Cazenovia Middle School, we are so fortunate to have a lot of different equipment that students are able to use. We have already begun our tennis unit in PE this fall. We are also looking forward to many different units this year including soccer, football, cooperative games, ultimate frisbee, volleyball, basketball, badminton, pickleball, wiffle ball, backyard games, and many more!
Safety is most important, whether we are in the gym or outside on the tennis courts, track or field. Please help your children to remember to wear or bring sneakers on days that they have PE class.
Demonstrating sportsmanship is a skill we work on so that students can support their classmates in a positive way. They will have many opportunities to practice this skill through game play and team building activities.
We are looking forward to a fun year!
Library Media Center
Welcome to Cazenovia Middle Library Media Center
Mrs. McHugh: My name is Deb McHugh. I have been a school librarian for 12.5 years and am starting my 7th year in Cazenovia. I am married with 2 adult children: Eric and Ryan. In my free time, I like to walk, read, and spend time with family and friends.
Looking forward to: In 5th grade library students will be learning about digital wellness and research skills through inquiry projects. They will also be reading independently as well. In 7th grade Exploratory Genius Hour, students will be honing their research skills through units exploring their interests related to careers, world issues, and travel.
The library is open all day and before school starting at 7:45 and after school on Mondays.
Art Education
Welcome to Cazenovia Middle School Art Education
Mrs. Macreery: My name is Julia Macreery and I am so happy to be your art teacher this year! I look forward to getting to know each of you and seeing what you create. I have taught art in the Syracuse City Schools, ESM School District, and I’ve also taught pre-school and at the YMCA in
Fayetteville. My husband and I have three kids who are 17, 14 and 11, a dog named Teagan, and a cat named Lucy. I like to go camping, garden, create needlework, and spend time with my family.
Looking forward to: This year in 5th grade art we will be traveling around the world and creating art inspired by different countries and their cultures and geography. In 6th grade art we will be taking a journey through Art History, beginning with Prehistoric Art. The 7th grade will be learning about the Elements and Principles of Art through lots of drawing and painting. At the end of the year we will have an art show to celebrate everyone’s hard work!
Welcome to Cazenovia Middle School Music Education
Ms. Dougherty is looking forward to: 5th grade general music students preparing for a Holiday Concert on December 7th, mark your calendars!
Choir Ensembles will continue to work on Music Literacy and prepare repertoire for their Concerts:
6th Grade Chorus:
December 7th
All County, January 20 & 21 (Audition Only)
June 8th
Jr High Chorus:
December 7th
All County, March 17 & 18 (Audition Only)
June 1st
Mr. Macreery: My name is Todd Macreery. This is my 24th year teaching at Cazenovia! I live in Fayetteville with my wife (Mrs. Macreery) and our three children.
Looking forward to: 7th grade music students will be learning about the elements of music this year so they will be able to write their own music and build their own instruments. Jr High Orchestra students will have orchestra every other day and one small group lesson during the 6 day cycle.
I'm looking forward to a great year!
Miss Hoige: My name is Miss Hoige. This is my 4th year here at Cazenovia teaching 5th and 6th grade band, as well as 6th grade general music. I grew up in Baldwinsville, NY and now reside in Hamilton, NY. I attended college at SUNY Fredonia and taught outside of Buffalo for 3 years. I am so happy to be back in the Syracuse area surrounded by family and friends!
Looking forward to: 6th Grade music students will compose a piece of music and learn about music history!
5th Grade band students will be learning a brand new instrument and have the opportunity to perform a concert at the end of the school year!
Concert- June 8th
6th grade band students will have 2 concerts this year!
Concerts- December 7th and June 8th